Our team
has organised more than 60 events in different countries and knows how to make a confab legendary.
Please don't think that our events are only for IT people - they are about creating a safe and supportive community where we are.
and helpful community where we find ourselves, and therefore for everyone.

Come with your friends, wives, partners because our main headliners and célèbes are you.
We make awesome parties for awesome people.
  • Phil Ranjin
    Founder of Peredelanoconf, host of the podcast We Are Doomed,
    Founder and CEO of razrabs.ru
  • Ilya Lakhov
    Founder and CEO of Peredelanoconf
Programme Committee
Organiser of conferences, meetups, speaker, teacher. I love IT community, great infographics, animals, diving, games and friendly atmosphere.
I live in Luxembourg.
Developer Relations Engineer with 14 years of experience
Sofware Engineer (Frontend, Fullstack, 3D, blockchain)
Apostle of SWE, bloody Enterprise and architecture. The official face of all stereotypes about Germany.
I'll help make your hardcore CS talk a little more friendly, and your startup coolstories a little more fulfilling.
Accessibility Project Manager в Semrush, GDE for Web
Expert in fintech and blockchain solutions, specialising in distributed systems development. Leading expert in the field of high-load architecture.
Editor-in-chief of the Aichi Tooday Telegram channel, idea inspirer of Rodnul Shelter, C++ programmer
Host of the Inclusive Pineapple podcast, organiser of MinskCSS, MinskJS and Accessibility Club Minsk.
Unstoppable teacher at digital accessibility courses accessibilityunity.com
We're building communities
all over the world, Join us in your country.

Developer, designer, manager.
or anyone else - we welcome all masters of their craft, as well as newcomers.
We invite to co-operation of experts
and business representatives!
Workalisation Limited
Unit 2A, 17/F, Glenealy Tower, No.1 Glenealy Central, Hong Kong S.A.R